Innovation for Climate Change Issues in the Hottest Spot on the Earth

Nawres Arif, Samaa Faraj, Hasanain Fadhil

Presentation of innovative ideas of local makers in the hottest spot on earth (Iraq) in clean & sustainable energy, recycling, and environmental pollution management. Local maker movement (Science Campmakerspace/Fab Lab) working on local solutions for local problems.
Hands On

A digital presentation + 3D printed models of Science Camp's team's innovative projects of different aspects of Climate Change countering action & renewable energy. The presentation will be shown on a screen, the 3D models will be shown as a demonstration tool to share ideas and make collaboration possible.
The projects:
1- Sun Tracker                                               (utilizing the power of sun heat which is greater than the power of its photons)
2- Biogas reactor                                          (Energy from organic waste management)
3- Water from the air in Science Camp     (Free clean water)
4- Precious plastic in Iraq                            (decentralized Plastic recycling solution)

Samaa's and Nawres's participation at re:publica 23 is kindly made possible by the Robert Bosch Foundation

Samaa Salam
Environmental and Technical assistant
Electrical and Control Engineer, Mentor